The VR coaster "Hodo-dodonpa" reaches an amazing speed of 170 km/h in just 2 seconds, allowing you to experience real forces while in VR.
The new attraction has opened, allowing for an unmatched experience not available elsewhere. In its second installment, the thrilling VR attraction has achieved recognition by Guinness World Records for it's features of speed, rise and fall, and it's spins.
ライドに乗り込み、ヘッドマウントディスプレイとヘッドホンを装着すると、本番さながらの風景が目の前に! 絶叫ファンも絶叫が苦手な人も楽しめるVRアトラクションとして、富士急ハイランドの新名所になっています。
In its second installment, the thrilling VR attraction has achieved recognition by Guinness World Records for it's features of speed, rise and fall, and it's spins.
・ VR / XR / アトラクション / VRコースター
・ 富士急ハイランド
・ ドドンパ / FUJIYAMA